Last night was the worst night sleep so far, awake for what seemed the entire night, 23:23, 01:21 etc etc
Not to worry no plans for today just wait for Brian and spend all day in the pub, perfect.

As I was messing about, I realised I was in an overnight only mooring and as Susan will tell you I am a stickler for obeying the rules so decided rather than move the boat 20 feet when Brian arrived, we would move on.
I used the local facilities from CRT brilliant and while I was contemplating the very leaky stern gland, rubber gloves and a lot of grease Brian called to say they had successfully used the what3words App and were parked about 100 m from the boat.
I was instructed to bring the trolly as there was a lot of luggage to drag round the heaviest item being a crate of beer.
The boat load was about doubled by the time we got everything on board and stowed.
April and Brian had a cuppa while I got my tools out to sort the stern vale. I have finally worked out how it works so no more tinkering its into the engine bay and sort it properly. 17 mm ring spanner and socket a little bit of contortionist and I think its sorted.
So I now have a new member who is given the helm immediately… get stuck in!

Its funny to watch the boat wandering from one back to the other but it was just the same with me last week.
As we have left Market Drayton we have turned the lazy day in the pub to 20+ locks and a bit of sweat actually more for the helmsman than the skipper. I’m opening the locks closing winding but Brian is doing ALL the sweating getting this boat between the gates.

Me made it to Audlem and had a pint in the Shroppie fly as recommended by Steve Acres. Then a pint in the Bridge Inn the only other pub and its sowing the football….. Liverpool V Leeds.

That is where my day turned bad 4-3… “we woz robbed “ LOL
Now back on the boat getting ready for sleep. Brian’s on the coffee and Rum I’m on Rum and coke!
Good job I have a waterway key my bro is using the facilities frequently.
Better just mention the trip was not without incident, the very last lock after he had done so well managed to get the boat rammed between the gate and a weir.. a lot of dragging and kicking and we got it into the lock, not to worry as I keep telling Susan these are unsinkable and tomorrow, he will be an experienced boater having been the helmsman through 20 locks .

At least one tin of black paint required when we reach our destination